We are dwellers of a rotten system be crawling with sordid scungy practices; where veracity, Candour, morality and ethos are a burlesque fantasy! Unfortunately the land of Pure is brimming with deceitful & Janus-faced offenders! One of the greatest example is homecoming of Mohammad Aamir in International cricket! A felonious guilty man was made hero over the night.. and our very own PAKISTAN CRICKET BOARD staged up all of its resources to justify corruption judas kiss and palm greasing! In a system where retribution is buck for laxity then devastation is the fate of society! Thanks fully chairman PCB and the management is favouring laxity over penance and consider themselves as holier-than-thou! Currently sharjeel khan is banned over the matter of indulgence in spot fixing lest we forget PAKISTAN CRICKET BOARD is been generous enough to pave the way for a spot fixer (Mohammad Aamir) already! And history will repeat itself over and over untill we have more culprits and why not! The great PCB is in delusion and denial that Pakistan is meagre and sparse in talent and that we will never find competent cricketers ever! The notion has been set by the honchos and it will shed lasting effects on the ethos and candour of both; the players and the game itself. What example are these homecomings implying? Fáilte bribery, hand greasing and allurement? Or the culture of skulduggery and jigger-pokery? Unfortunately this have become our culture to glorify, ennoble and laud the culprit and heroise and emblazon his debauchery! And Pakistan Cricket board is extolling and panegyrising culprits by bringing them back in a green jersey which is itself an act of sacrilege to motherland Pakistan!
The plight of cordial malversation
Reviewed by Webdesk
September 12, 2017
Rating: 5
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