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R&AW's hand suspected in Karima Baloch assasination


Baloch activist Karima Baloch who escaped Pakistan in 2016 to take refuge in Canada was found dead at Harbourfront.

According to local sources, the police found her body drowned off an island just near Toronto’s lakeshore.

Her husband, Hammal Haider, and brother have identified her body which is still with the police. 

However, recent evidence points towards the involvement of senior Indian intelligence officials in the assassination. As per our sources, Karima Baloch had been mentioned in the recent European Union Disinformation Lab report where she had been mentioned as the spokesperson for AFRACA NGO, this NGO is considered an outsource for Indian intelligence based operations. 

Few months before the demise of Karima Baloch, Canada unfolded an Indian espionage operation in which money and disinformation were used to influence Canadian politicians. Indian agencies used the chief editor of an unnamed publication for the operation which began in 2009. That Indian national had met intelligence officials of R&AW and IB more than two dozen times over a period of six years. The operation was disclosed in Federal Court proceedings involving the editor. He was indentified as ‘AB’ by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. 

The DisinfoEU report further exposed that India was running 350 fake media outlets to undermine Pak in 119 countries through fictitious characters. Karima Baloch was also a part of the Indian propaganda and worked for an organisation AFRACA which was started by Ankit Srivasta. It's not the first time Indian intelligence agencies have started to neutralize their assets or have carried out covert assassinations abroad. In 1985, R&AW carried out the bombing of Air India flight 182, which killed 329 innocent Sikhs, mostly from Canada. The findings regarding the involvement of Indian intelligence agencies in the worst terrorist attack in Canadian history was confirmed in a book by a former Canadian MP David Kilgour entitled "Betrayal: The Spy Canada Abandoned". 

A well researched book on the worst act of aerial terrorism is ‘Soft Target’ by Zuhair Kashmeri and Brian McAndrew. The book quotes an investigator from the Canadian Security Investigation Service as saying, ‘If you really want to clear the incidents quickly, take vans down to the Indian High Commission and the consulates in Toronto and Vancouver, load up everybody and take them down for questioning. We know it and they know it that they are involved”. Soft target proves that the Indian govt carried out the bombing which killed 329 innocent people.

Speaking to our channel, the activist's friend in Toronto, Miss Elli Bergova (Identity hidden due to threats) said, "While Karima Baloch lost her credibility after getting mentioned in this report, she had been receiving a lot of threats from senior Indian intelligence officials who said that she was of no use after the recent exposure and if she speaks in any way to any media exposing the NGO, she might suffer consequences. Karima had been considering speaking up after EU Disinfo Lab report but she was hesitant due to the perceived threats. It seems like a clandestine operation to silence those who lost their voice after Srivastava group and their affiliate links stood exposed."

Mr Dharamjeet Pall Singh, A spokesperson for Punjab Farmer's Alliance in Canada claimed that it was all part of Bharatiya Janta Party's new strategy to divert attention from Sikh Farmer's protest towards Balochistan issue as Modi Government has been trying their best to shift the attention to other subjects in order to hide global attention from farmer's protest in New Delhi which has been happening for the past three weeks. Numerous global leaders have spoken in favour of Punjab farmers, which has irked the Indian government. Mahanjit Singh, another Sikh leader in Toronto, assumes that this could become a probable reason for India to blame Sikh protests on Pakistan.

Branton C Goldmeyer of Toronto Intelligence Community, told our representative that such incidents have become a norm in intelligence based assassinations across the globe. Everyone would immediately presume that it was Pakistan who is the beneficiary of such high profile assassinations but if we look deeper, the culprit would be no other than India as India has been involved in a number of internal challenges which hail from farmer's protests to global attention towards European Union Disinformation Lab report as well as religious disharmony. Such a black Swan event could help Indian intelligence trigger back attention towards Pakistan and give them a sigh of relief for sometime. 

Mr Norbert Ray, from Cyber Tech forum also gave a brief to our representative stating that interestingly enough, the first sources to quote the news of her assassination were multiple Indian sources, a lot of Indian media firms were already at stand by outside her home even before the Canadian media got hold of this news, which raises suspicions as India media has been linked to the Indian intelligence officials with the recent EU Disinformation Lab report. This raises suspicions as how a foreign media can become more aware of an assassination before the local media networks. Canadian media have so far been unable to get any interviews from her family but Indian media published it several hours ago. This does not sit well.

Update: Toronto Police has confirmed that the case is of a non criminal nature.

We will keep updating this story as more details emerge.

1 comment:

  1. It's assassination and not assignation. Correct your title!
